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ICCF24 Presents: Guido Parchi - Evidence of Reproducible Tritium Production...
ICCF24 - Evidence of reproducible tritium production in a pulsed electrolytic cel feat Guido Parchi
GuidoParchi - Light Water, Heavy Elements, and Production of Tritium | LENR Forums Cold Talks
ICCF24 Presents: Anthony Zuppero - Electron Quasi-particle Catalytic Binding
ICCF24 Presents: Graham Hubler - Microscopic Insights into the Anomalous Heat Effect...
ICCF24 Presents: Akito Takahashi - Understanding of MHE Power Generation Patterns by TSC Theory
ICCF24 Presents: Florian Metzler, PhD - Solid State Fusion The Formation of a Scientific Field
ICCF24 Presents: Jacques Ruer - A Technological Foresight for the Future...
ICCF24 Presents: Francesco Celani - Progresses on confirming simple procedures to produce AHE
ICCF24 Presents: Kazuaki Matsui - New Hydrogen Energy (NHE)
ICCF24 Presents: Edward Beiting - A Search for Excess Heat - Replication Studies
ICCF24 Presents: Edmund Storms - The Nature of Cold Fusion (Cold Fusion Made Simple)